Useful Links
This page is all about providing links and references to websites that you may find useful. It’s solely for information purposes and if you are concerned about your physical or mental well-being it is imperative that you seek immediate, professional medical advice, for example through your GP.
Stress Stress can affect your emotional well-being, your body and how you behave in multiple ways. If you are suffering from stress or are unsure if you are suffering from stress you may find this link - Stress
Breathing Breathing exercises can also be useful for stress and they can be done anywhere at any time, have a look at the following link and see if it helps you! - Stress Breathing Anxiety
Did you know that feelings of anxiety or depression can be worsened by dehydration due to the rising levels of cortisones in your body. So, if you’re feeling anxious grab yourself a glass of water! Anxiety can be described as feeling uneasy, such as worried or fear which can scale from mild to severe. It’s important to remember that everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their life and during certain times these anxious feelings are perfectly normal. However, if these feelings are more constant it can affect your daily life. If you’d like to understand anxiety further, you may find this link - Anxiety Dehydration
Your body on average excretes around 1.25 litres of water a day. It’s important we replenish this with extra. If you’d like to know more about the signs and symptoms of dehydration, check out the following link. - Dehydration Depression
Depression is often under discussed and under recognised. Everyone experiences moments of feeling low, sad or fed up and often these feelings do pass. However, if these feelings are lasting for weeks at a time or worsening then it is imperative that you seek help because help is available. You may find this link useful if you’d like to know more. Every mind matters. If you or someone you know needs urgent support because they are in danger, call 999 or go to A&E. If you’d like explore information about mental health support including grief support, you may find the below link - Depression
Exercise If you feel you are lacking exercise in your current life style, then you can explore the below link for general exercise guidelines to improve your fitness and wellbeing. - Exercise
Stretches If you’re unsure of stretches to apply after exercising, you could explore the below link. If a stretch doesn’t feel correct then it’s important to review how you’re carrying out that stretch. These stretches mentioned in the below link are a general guide on how to cool down those muscles after exercise, help you to gradually relax, slow your heart rate and improve your - Stretches
Flexibility If you’re trying to improve your flexibility, don’t worry that you haven’t done much exercise in a while! The exercises in the below link are a general guide on how to improve your flexibility but are gentle and easy to - Flexibility
Sunscreen & Sun Safety Sunscreen and sun safety. I know, it seems obvious but there are extra steps you can take ti avoid damaging your largest organ (your skin) that is exposed to drastic environmental factors and radicals. Check out the below link to see what extra you can do. - Sunscreen & Sun Safety
Moles Your skin matters and what’s going on with it is important. It’s important we check for things like moles. If you’d like more information about moles, check out the below - Moles
Menopause Menopause is a huge deal which can happen naturally or for other reasons. Whatever your or someone else’s experience there is information, treatments and support out there. If you’d like to read more about the menopause including help and support, hit the below link! - Menopause